The Devastating Death Of Deadliest Catch's Todd Kochutin

Harry potter fanfiction harry is the son of tony stark

Harry potter fanfiction harry is the son of tony stark. "What's your name? I'm Tony. "Later you will tell me how in the world Harry James Potter is your son. I'm Iron Man, remember?" When Harry didn't look at him, Tony tilted his chin up and said. "Harry's my godfather," Teddy began, he sounded sad but his eyes flicked to Harry who looked happily at his eldest son. - Chapters: 34 - Words: 110,337 - Reviews: 1,591 - Favs: 5,092 - Follows: 4,017 - Updated: 4/11/2021 - Published: 7/19/2020 Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Tony Stark woke suddenly from a deep sleep, lying absolutely still as he used his senses to determine what had awoken him and where he was. It means once we fulfill the contract, you are the Lord and Head of two very influential families. Tony sighed before he introduced them. Here we go, I have been planning this one for a while now. See, they were going to the Stark European Expo, a once in a lifetime opportunity. " Eyes popping out of her head, Natasha leaned back in her chair and started chuckling. HARRY POTTER/TONY STARK Harry was actually concerned for Tony's wellbeing not Tony Stark: Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist. "What the heck is going on, Stark? We don't have you registered as a father. Harry had a happy life at the beginning with two parents who loved him. , Iron Man/Tony S. Oct 29, 2017 · Marvel Verse FF, Harry Potter Fanfic Must Reads, Marvel Fanfic Must Reads, Best Harry Potter Crossovers, Best Marvel Crossovers, Ianto's Harry Potter Collection, Ianto's Marvel Collection, marvel cinematic universe, I Have Read It I Might Read It Again, Fics so good I want to throw my chair out the window, Hpficssssssss, Mcuficslesgooooooo Tony looked like she had handed him the holy grail. Harry Potter a enfin la chance de convaincre le playboy milliardaire et concepteur d'armes de devenir son sujet d'étude. " After finishing breakfast Tony lead Harry down to the common area. Tony Stark had experienced for the first time ever the feeling of self-consciousness. Harry offered. Wait… Tony changed so much for the better since Harry came into his life, and he really didn't want the old Tony Stark back. M for slash and lemon REVIEW PLEASE! ps. When Gran passed, Harry took me in. Until the time arrives that you need these, Death shall hold on to them for his master. Look, I even have a wand. That makes Harry the last in the Potter line. "HARRY! NO!" Hagrid yells. " Fem!Harry. " "You could always invent a time machine and go back fourteen years and claim your son before he gets left on his relatives doorstep," Coulson said jokingly. He is an American and his name is Anthony Edward Stark. Tony was being informed that he had to fulfill an ancient contract between two noble houses that went back generations. , Captain America/Steve R. You're my son Harry, and to be honest, I never thought you would be a part of my life. "My parent died when I was a baby and so I grew up with my Gran in London. "Tony told me to pick up a kid named Harry Potter. ) Magic and technology. Disappointed and beat down for years by a post-war Wizarding World, Hermione packs up her life and leaves it all behind without looking back. . " Tony told him but Harry didn't even react to his name. When comparing him to Tony Stark, however, the resemblance couldn't be denied. He picked up the next Ah, perfect, he pulled out a small cardboard box containing a prototype gyroscope he had been playing with (there were certain advantages in being Tony Starks adopted son when it came to electronic and electrical toys). "Hello, I'm-" Steve was pushed aside by Tony, who put out his hand with the air of this being a great honor for the other person. "Good morning, Harry," Steve greeted the boy softly. AU -In the aftermath of the Chitauri invasion, Tony Stark sorts out his priorities - including one he didn't think he had. I can't believe that Mom… It was a shock. It also looked somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it before. Unfortunately happily ever after rarely occur, and 15 months later history was made. Harry looks at Hagrid there was a flicker of sorrow in his eyes but also defeat and some calm He had signed it and given it to Harry. Steve eyed Harry warily, "how do you know, Tony! He just appeared out of the shadows! That's not a normal thing!" 'Oh God, please don't go there. "Oh that's priceless, Stark's a daddy. I do not own Avengers, the MCU or any of its associated characters: all rights belong to Marvel, Marvel Movies and Stan Lee. Than it hit him, it was so obvious. Le Survivant faisait partie du SHIELD depuis presque six ans, et il avait appris à maîtriser ses émotions, que ce soit en présence du Directeur ou non. Wanda will be blood adopting him too as she is our wife too", Tony informs her "Well I will want to be a witness and Susan can play with Harry", Amelia says "Do you babysit Susan?" Loki asks Apr 1, 2023 · Tony sighed, staring at the empty hologram, before leaning forward. hr. Just remember that you are the most important person to me and I will never forget what you did for me. " Nick snorted. Después de que finalizara la guerra Harry Potter, acude a Gringotts a disculparse formalmente con los duendes, después de que ellos aceptan sus disculpas el se entera de su herencia mágica y de que aparentemente es el mago más rico en todo el mundo, pero se encuentra con que para acceder a su herencia debe aceptar el contrato de matrimonio No one would ever have to know that little Harry James Potter was the biological son of Anthony Edward Stark. Thank you guys for clicking on my first fanfiction, I hope you enjoy reading it! c: Also: I don't own Harry Potter or the Avengers! One of his many one-night-stands, the press would say, but they would be wrong. I'm Harry Potter, and I suppose I will be staying with you all for a while. Harry Potter is Tony Stark's Child. " He brandished the object. Harry Potter and Tony Stark are similar, maybe that's why they work so well as family. His brain was blank. It was still blowing their minds that the child had developed it on his own. Tony gave him a dry look. " Harry's eyes were really, really green. But hey, at least he's not a horse, so there's that. " "Lily Potter had an affair with Tony Stark, how the hell did that happen? "Hermione, allow me to officially introduce Tony Stark, my dad," Harry waved grandly to Tony. " "Muggle law. Sep 10, 2013 · Since I wasn't his, I mean. After all when you're the son of Tony Stark, the one and only Iron Man, life is bound to be interesting. Jun 13, 2012 · And yet, here he was, walking through London at Lily's solicitor's bequest, because she had added an extra special clause to her will. Hell, Tony would have his ass if he left his son anywhere alone. First Story Please be nice. " Dumbledore corrected cockily. " Sam answered leading the way into the building. FULL SUMMARY INSIDE. If Harry's guardians (and there were quite a few names listed on the will before his own) were ever found to be inadequate or unable to care for Harry Potter, Tony Stark was to have full custody of his son. " Harry," Bruce frowned when the boy jumped. "I would like you to meet Captain Steve Rogers, he's the leader of our band of misfits. He finds a new family and a new home that drastically changes his life for the better, if not crazier. "You will never have Harry is neglected and bullied and decides to run away, he ends up getting adopted by Tony Stark after saving his life and being permanently crippled while doing so. Harry had loved every minute of it, cementing that yet again he was Tony Stark's son. Jarvis knew he'd need even more handling than his father Tony Stark lost his son and his Alpha in a faulty portal 18 years ago. "But, yes we need to find him, as quickly as possible. "Sure. He is also prophesied to be the only one able to destroy the most powerful dark wizard in history. "Harry, that's a chopstick. Edwin Jarvis, lifelong personal assistant to the founder of the company, knew he didn't have much time left and wanted to make sure the Stark family was well-cared-for. " Tony said softly. "Well, I've got some bad news for you Harry," Tony said, his voice serious. "Yeah, apparently. Tony Stark had recently taken over the company, a few years after his parents' untimely death in a car accident, and Mr. Pre-slash Clint/Harry He went to a random door and knocked, a moment later the boy opened it and looked up at Tony with surprise. Anthony 'Tony' Stark, twenty-three-years-old world infamous billionaire playboy, stood in front of the large windows looking into the sterile maternity ward of Milford Hospital in Surrey, England. Tony Stark was reading an email sent in by one called Mr Dursley, saying that he had custody over Tony's son, and that he wanted paying to hand him over. "How old are you Harry?" Tony asked. Really just one-shot interactions that follows The Avengers story line. He was going to make it up to him tenfold. Tony read the email again, son to Lily Evans and Tony Stark. Vision looked at Tony with sadness. Bad!Potters, Bad!Dumbledore, Manipulative!Dumbledore, Good!Remus, Genius!Harry, WBWL, aiming for slash in later chapters still unsure. Apr 23, 2024 · As Harry Potter and the Avengers fought valiantly against the Chitauri invaders, Tony Stark approached Harry, his expression grave. "Best. " Harry looks at Tony and for the first time meets his gaze. Twelve years later, he finds out it was all a lie and that he isn't as alone as he thought. This is a My Son the Wizard AU. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. Tony was sure no one had wanted to meet him just for getting to know him before. No Stark and no Iron Man. Tony Stark never thought he'd be a father, or share paternity of a child with a man. Harry now finds himself in the care of his biological father, Tony Stark, who had been looking for him since Loki's failed attack. , Sirius B. I was able to speed up the paperwork, in the eyes of the law, you are officially now my son. Peter Parker & Tony Stark (16) Harry Potter & Steve Rogers (15) Peter Parker/Harry Potter (14) Harry Potter & Pepper Potts (14) Peter Parker & Harry Potter (14) Include Additional Tags Harry Potter is Tony Stark's Child (58) Parent Tony Stark (54) Female Harry Potter (40) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (39) Tony Stark Has A Heart (37) So when Harry finds out that one of his biological parents is Tony Stark and not Lily Potter, there is no reason for him to remain at the Dursleys. "I love you so much dad and without you I would be lost in this world. Ignoring that, Tony helped him up and then he asked. "Buddy, I'm not going to get hurt in this battle. "Hiiii," Harry said waving at Pepper. "Well, I never saw the boy in person before, but he sure as hell fits the description of Harry Potter from the wizarding world. Stark donated genetic material to James and Lily Potter, who were unable to conceive naturally. Lily was James's cousin the half-blood daughter of Charlotte Potter-Evans, Her daughter Howard 'Howie' Jamie Stark-Potter is Tony's shapeshifting half-sister. Everyone there was so boring! They weren't geniuses; they were just greedy old men who didn't know how to have fun! Tony loved fun! The minute he saw his escape, he "Shit, are you telling me that the Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, is Tony Stark's son?" Fury asked, rubbing at his throbbing temples. James and I were just about brothers. Harry was family. " and smiled when Happy said similar in return. "Hello. 'God, his eyes are so green,' Tony thinks, not for the first time. "I'm Tony Stark. I don't take too well to Happy. Tony heard Remus suck in a deep breath when he saw the picture. And that's all that really mattered to Hadrian: Tony. The Son of the Dark Lord Nov 26, 2019 · I Am The Master of Death: A Harry Potter/Avengers One-Shot. Good luck, Harry Potter" Even though he was a genius, Tony Stark hated business meetings. Will also be a Charmed crossover-past TS/JP, will be TS/BB SR/JP PH/LW WH/HP SS/LEP Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Tony Stark and Harry Potter kings of sarcasm. Thats Alba Potter!" They exclaimed. But soon, ancient secrets emerge along with enemies both old and new as darkness rises. I think you may be my cousin?" "No thinking about it, kid. ' Tony panicked, trying to stop Steve from saying something he'll surely regret. And, yet, he liked Ton enough that he would miss him. It sounded strange but made him feel warm in his chest at the same time. " Tony nodded, hearing all of this from Remus. Tony and Sirius lock themselves away from everyone to grieve when two people and a baby turn up 2 months after the war. I. "It won't be too long, Hadrian. "Talk to me, Ri, what has you so worried?" Lily was such a good girl, he never would have pegged her for a cheater. But there is definitely reason for him to go to New York City and confront his so-called 'Genius of a Father' for not being in his life for the past thirteen years. Harry Potter and the Marvel Universe. Tony felt his eyes soften. Now they think Harry is dead. The sheer amount of gold just lying around made Tony's head spin. "About damn time," Tony grumbled, putting his book down and getting to his feet. "Tony Stark. What happens if Harry had a living father, and perhaps this father was Tony Stark? Read to find out the twists and turns of the HP universe and Avengers/Iron Man universe if these two could form a family unit. Ever. " Harry barely let his father finish his sentence before screaming, "YES! I would love to be Harry Stark. Sep 30, 2018 · 2 Mai 2010 « Je suis Iron Man. He whopped and hollered at every turn, Cygnus had to pull Harry back in the cart as his son leaned out to get a better look at the dragon that was guarding some of the older and ancient vaults. " "May I come in Harry?" Harry nodded and opened the door wider. Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P. Protective Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Harry after his fourth year, thanks to Sirius' insistence, decides to go to Gringotts, where he discovers who his real father is. Yes, that makes sense, a scam. But apparently James Potter blood adopted him. The couple, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, gained full custody on Draco Malfoy- now Draco Stark. Harry chuckled softly and said, "Pleasure to meet you Happy. After his first year at Hogwarts Harry discovers a startling truth that throws him into an entirely new world. War was no place for children. " Harry said, smiling causing them to instantly like him and see that he was nothing like Loki. Harry's eyes are heavy and burdened, somehow aged. Tony's kid, Harry, appeared first, accompanied yet again by his floating AI. Everyone stayed quiet as they listened to Stark's son continue. He wanted the child to be at ease with them. After I wrote this I started reading some hp/avengers crossovers and I saw that another amazing fic had Harry finding out that Tony was his father in a similar manor. Tony grinned and picked Harry up before carrying him up the steps, also holding onto their carry-on Feb 21, 2015 · "It's okay to call me Ivy. Meanwhile Harry Potter is torn between two worlds and struggling to decide who he should trust. However when he receives his Hogwarts letter, will the Wizarding world be prepared for the rich, smooth talking Harry Potter or even worse his ultra ego The Iron Wizard. " Harry said shakily and Tony was choking on his tears by now. The man in the moving picture was pale faced and dangerous looking. " Tony noted that she evaded the topic of their wedding night. " The man looked very uncomfortable. The elevator dinged right then and they all waited as their mysterious guest arrived, looking windswept and tousled. " Bruce turned to Steve. It has been a long time since Tony had countless, meaningless one-night-stands; in fact, after first getting the arc reactor he didn't sleep with anyone for over a year. It was understandable, someone who had just dropped Harry off probably wouldn't let him have the luxuries of TV or the internet. Peter Parker is managing just fine, thanks. Soon enough they were at the airfield, Harry taking Tony's hand as they made their way to the Private jet waiting for them on the runway. The two asgardians nodded even as Tony led Harry outside of the infirmary and into a secluded hallway. Before Lucius Malfoy could figure out what his wife has done, a muggle couple from America adopted their child. " Something flashed across Harry's face then, and Tony hurried to head it off. Cut to 2010 and newly weds Harry and Hermione Potter find out that not only are James and Lily Potter still alive but that they are now going by the names of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I do not own a Harry Potter or the Avengers PLEASE READ::::: So, I was really on the fence with posting this. Then he snapped into Alors qu'il donne une conférence au M. Tony Stark had helped his cousin have a child when it was discovered he was unable to sire one, on the agreement the Tony would raise him if something happened to Lily and James Potter. Tony had had a sister and she had died. Jul 21, 2013 · After his first year at Hogwarts Harry discovers a startling truth that throws him into an entirely new world. "Harry and I haven't talked about it, but he is going to stay Harry James Potter in the magical world, but otherwise will be Harry James Potter-Stark. If it's alright with you, your name will now be Harry James Potter Stark. " "Harry sir, Harry Potter. "We just tell people father really wanted another son. Harry inclined his head, and raised his eyebrows expectantly. It was plain to tell by the man's defensive stance that he honestly believed that Harry was his son and he was prepared to protect Harry from him at all costs. "Hi" Tony greeted gently. Ils lui achètent un billet pour Malibu. "Oh right," the man scrambled, "I'm Happy. Surrey, England. He wasn't biased in anyway. He met Tony Stark and fell in love. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Game of Thrones. But now you are, and I'm going to spoil you all I want, and extra to make up for the years I missed. It's a man's gaze. In which Harry Potter is the product of a prank that Loki once played on Thor. After a decade, a mostly reformed Loki restores his memories, introducing Thor's son, Harry, to new family and friends. " "Of course. His opinion about Iron Man hadn't been influenced by the media, and Tony was free to give him his own personal view on the events without any previously formed prejudices. " "I'm Harry Potter. Tony stared from the bottle to Harry and back again. first story ever to publish! You're a Stark and most importantly, you're my son, and I'll be damned if I don't spoil you. Join Harry and Tony as they try to figure out how they belong in each other's lives, and see some relationships spark up for the two of them over the years. Today was nine year old Harry Potter's lucky day and he was determined to let nothing ruin his day, not even Dudley. Pepper certainly did a rather amusing doubletake when she saw Tony at the meeting, on time and without any of his usual whining. From the bottom of the trunk he found a truly horrid pair of hand knitted socks from one of Jennifer Walters's maternal phases. Intern. "What" 'No. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its associated characters: all rights belong to JK Rowling. Wanda actually felt sorry for Stark. " Harry's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of the Asgardian trickster. " "No," the man shook his head. Moving to New York, she knows this is going to be the fresh new start she needs to find happiness and meaning in her life. She didn't want to keep her son a secret from him, and for some reason that made him feel better. "Hi" The boy replied. But he had realised the boy just wanted to meet him. There was so much pride in his tone when introducing him as his dad that Tony teared up a bit. "Harry Potter. "Well, you see," Harry answered, blushing a bit, "it seems that I'm Tony Stark's son. Let's see what my wayward, soon-to-be husband is up to," Tony grumbled. " "I blood adopted him soon after and he became my son," Harry added. " Jazz smiled at him, and Tony had the most surreal feeling of Dejavu for some reason. It's an assessing look. T, Tony Stark remarque un étrange jeune homme parmi les étudiants. Mar 1, 2018 · Harry Potter/Tony Stark; Harry Potter; Tony Stark; Teddy Lupin; Death (Harry Potter) Female Harry Potter; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Master of Death Harry Potter; Elder Wand (Harry Potter) Invisibility Cloak (Harry Potter) Resurection Stone - Freeform; Summary. " Romanov was the first to gain back her voice. You must be Mr. But, it's just, James Potter has always been my dad. The rest of the world believes he is the son of Lily and James Potter," Remus told his old friend. " "Good to meet you, Harry, I'm Tony Stark. FEM. "Eh?" "I am a wizard. Tony sat back shocked, a son, then he scowled, a scam he thought. "James Potter," Severus spat the name out like it was something dirty, "is the brat's no good father, not you. The kid hesitated for a second before he said. Pairing Harry/Tony. » Harry et Natasha ne montrèrent aucune émotion à la fin de la vidéo et ce même si Fury les observait. Tony Stark looked at the images of this weird storm front and frowned, there was something missing here. Tony & Sirius lock themselves away from everyone to grieve when two people & a baby turn up 2 months after the war. The room was small and a bit dirty. Harold Anthony Stark. His son had gone through hell on earth, something that a child should never go through. "Well, I wish I could say I'm surprised but I have been expecting something like this to come up for a while," Pepper said sighing as she plumped down on the couch. Follow Harry as he is taken in by the famous Tony Stark and starts to combine his own unique powers with technology in ways that make him more than just a wizard, or a thief, or a prodigy, but instead make him … an Avenger. A much more reckless and irresponsible Tony Stark now has custody of his five-year-old magical son. Aug 17, 2014 · Harry Stark, adoptive son of Tony Stark, was raised in America and grew up learning about the family business. Petunia discovers her sister’s journal revealing Harry’s true parentage years earlier than in My Son the Wizard. I'm Harry Potter. It was September time in London and Tony felt the chill through his suit he was wearing as he exited the vehicle to some other event he was supposed to attend, as he was the son of Howard Stark and had a legacy to continue, that didn't involve heavy amounts of alcohol and some one-night stand never to be seen again. The last time the Stark expo was in London was in 1992. Harry Potter was the only living family he had. ***HP "Sir, young Harry is home," JARVIS announced. Once there, Tony gripped his son by the shoulders and said. Dec 27, 2017 · Tony looked between Harry and Clint. Harry knew all about the Stark European Expo, he had read about it at the free library. The Avengers watch as the Voldemort kills Harry. Kingsley shook his head. Tony would have his ass if he left his son in this part of town. James magically adopted him, so that made him the magical dad, his heir. It was no more than they deserved after treating his son like a second class citizen, and even worse than that. "This whole invasion is the work of Loki. Harry escaped the UK after the final battle and settled in the States. Tags with the same meaning: Fem Harry is Tony Stark’s Biological Daughter; Harry and Alex are Tony Stark's Children; harry as tony's son; Harry est le fils de Tony Stark Jan 11, 2013 · Once, Thor was James Potter, New Mexico being a refinement of Odin's technique (being murdered didn't do Thor's sanity any favours). "The woman who conquered!" They praised. Harry always believed his parents had died to protect him on Halloween 1991 from Voldemort. " "It's wooden and pointy. No, it was sand in his eye, goddamn it! However, the sand in his eye didn't escape Bruce's observant gaze, and the man sent him a knowing look. Chapter Text. He had a son. " Mar 22, 2018 · "So your Tony Stark the true father of Harry Potter?" Amelia asks Tony "Yes. He had met Tony and nothing else. Tony knew that his son was probably treated no better than a slave in that house. "Steve, this is Harry Potter, Tony's son. In a private arrangement, Mr. 5 year old Harry accompanies the Dursleys on a Business trip to Stark International, where an industrial accident kills all of Harry's living relatives. This child hadn't known about Iron Man or Tony Stark before meeting him. In his moments Tony didn't call Pepper, he called his son, who Tony knew would understand. Polar opposites for some, and yet for one boy living on the streets … maybe they can be something more. Kid!Harry. "Avengers, Fury, meet Harry Potter-Stark, my adopted son. And sorry for Harry who was nearly her age by the looks of him. "Thank you JARVIS. Hello everyone I've just read a story that was a Harry Potter/ avengers crossover it was the lokijarson series And now I'm loving the pairing of loki and Tony stark with Harry Potter as their son But can't really find any stories on them. "There's only one reason you didn't grow up with me Harry now finds himself in the care of his biological father, Tony Stark, who had been looking for him since Loki's failed attack. I DO NOT OWN IRONMAN OR HARRY POTTER. Stark. Natasha and Clint looked on stone-faced but they felt sorrow as they watched the scenes. Starts at the beginning of Iron Man with flashbacks SLASH TONY/HARRY HARRY/TONY m/m smut. It was required of him to complete the one thing that Tony hated and feared the most, having to get married and to a total stranger. The fact that James wasn't mad at him made him feel better, Harry had magic, the Potter magic specifically and that made Harry a Potter through magic. The last conscious memory he could recall was gyrating on a dance floor in some unnamed club, with a pair of super-model want-to-bes draped on him. He had given his son way too much blood and now he was very weak and unstable. " Tony just held Harry for a moment, glad that while his son might have been found out, he was safe in his arms once more. Tony stared at him. Watch this: Accio Brandy!" The alcohol bottle dashed into Harry's hand. (Smart, smooth talking Harry, ladies man Harry, powerful Harry. "Stark men are geniuses," Tony corrected, "but a shiny red flying suit of armor isn't going to fix my son or save him from wand waving wizards. Wizard Tony Stark. "Well, I'm grumpy and hungry. A lot of people that have been following my stories have been requesting a Targaryen, Baratheon or Stark centric story and while the first two have appeal I decided to do a Stark based one. Tony Stark is pleased to announce that his son, Harry Potter, will be joining him in New York and in his life. ' Tony pleaded in his mind. Tony has kept this a secret from everyone still he gets a call from Harry saying his goodbyes. Harry was still in critical condition and Tony wasn't doing much better. " "Hello, Harry, it's a pleasure to meet you," Steve held out his hand giving Harry a warm smile. It was also nice that Harry had no biases from an outside source. Harry Potter and the Invincible TechnoMage by Clell65619. James gave his life for his . " Bruce said, when it was clear Tony wasn't going to. It felt kind of nice. Jun 2, 2024 · Tony Stark is Harry Potter's father. Time line – Harry born 1990 / Tony born 1970. "Harry, Harry Potter," replied Harry, slowly reaching out to shake the man's hand. . "I honestly don't know, Harry Potter is a very important figure in our world. My full name is Ivy-Rose Jamie Potter, Heiress Apparent to the Most Noble and Ancient House of Potter as well as the Ancient and Noble House of Black. But then, he was Tony Stark's son, so maybe it wasn't that unexpected. Mais, bien sûr, Harry Potter ne peut jamais faire quelque chose normalement. They could live a perfectly normal family life, their fairy tale, as soon as the war was over. En particulier, pas une fois qu'il rencontre Tony Stark, c'est le commencement d'une romance lui laissant plus que des souvenirs . This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. "Kind" 'Steve! Shut Nov 21, 2014 · When Dean Winchester was 16 he experienced a loss that no one should have to feel. "Jarvis, compare them with the images of the storm when Thor arrived to Earth for the first time. July 12, 1994. He had hoped by now, six hours after Vernon Dursley's arrest, that Harry would have shown some signs of improvement, but he was still just barely clinging to life. He and his circle have been on Earth masquerading as superheroes, taking down Torvak cells, and trying to find them. Family. " Is that all he said, Harry thought. It works. Prologue. The display flickered to a black and white photo decorating the front page of the wizarding newspaper. Little by little the lies and manipulations around your life will come to light. Seeing Tony Stark for the first time made him realize that he really looked nothing like James Potter, albeit superficially. Apr 23, 2020 · "Of course, kid. "Pepper this is Harry, Harry this is Pepper, Harry is my son I found out about yesterday," Tony said with typical blasé attitude. " Harry made a humph sound. However when a complete stranger brings him an abused five year old and says he's his son he finds Daddy is his new favorite title. "Stand down Captain, Harry isn't a threat. Harry is Tony Stark's son. cxw yyigu kyzqa qvkwdhmg fkoq ygnls mmkh pjstam pxxs mydyh